BYS Magenta
This is an awesome colour changing/mood polish that I got from Australian brand BYS.
They also make really cool "cracked" polish which I'll show you eventually!"
This is my first and only mood polish and I NEED MORE!! They are just too cool!
(please ignore my messy nails, these pictures were taken a week after I applied the polish!)
BYS Magenta shifts to a bright jelly-like pink when it's warm,
and a dark eggplant purple when it's cold.
This is what the polish looks like when my hands are warm. The tips are purple because the free edge of my nail is cooler.
It's like a cool instant gradient!
Here I dipped my middle finger and pinky in hot water, and my ring and pointer in cold water!
I think one of the reasons I've waited so long to try these mood polishes is because people say the effect is only cool if you have long nails. And most of the time I do not have long nails... While having longs nails creates an awesome effortless gradient look, most of the time my hands are so cold that the polish was always purple.
Even if you have super short nails, this polish is still AMAZING!! For those of us who are easily amused, you can spend a good amount of time changing the temperature of your nails and watching them change what are you waiting for??? Go out and get some mood polish!
--Kim <3